Resultados "innovation"

Blockchain in the university: a digital technology to design, implement and manage global learning itineraries

Making universal access to education compatible with different paths of learning is one of the great challenges of the last century. Technology has provided solutions to access information, for communication and collaborative work. Blockchain emerges as a technology that can be useful for the development of an evaluation model of individualized learning itineraries in mass university subjects.

Cap a una filologia digital en educació. Anàlisi descriptiva de l'ús de la tecnologia per a l'adquisició de competències, en el cas de llibres de text digitals de llengua i literatura catalana d'ESO

We analyse digital textbooks of the Catalan language and literature for ESO to describe how technology is used to achieve curricular competencies (linguistic, literary and digital) and non-curricular (digital philological and digital literacy) competencies. On the one hand, we identify digital philological competencies as a strategy to adapt the teaching and learning of language and literature to the digital reality of the discipline.

A flipped classroom experience in the context of a pandèmic: Cooperative learning as a strategy for Student meaningful learning

Through an initial documentary analysis of the flipped classroom in the context of a pandemic and of the new pedagogical models based on active methodologies or pedagogies and cooperative learning, the experience presented below is part of an innovation project based on the design of cooperative activities focused on students to enhance their meaningful learning and with the aim of improving their satisfaction and motivation and thus, as a consequence, their academic performance.

Designing learning technology collaboratively: analysis of a chatbot codesign. Education and Information Technologies.

We analyze the design process of EDUguia chatbot, which includes diverse evidence from questionnaires and workshops with students and lecturers, as well as intermediary design objects. Based on the qualitative analysis, we identify several challenges that are transversal to the co-design work, as well as specific to the design phases.

Experiencias de retroacción para mejorar la evaluación continuada: el uso del Twitter como tecnologia emergente

The objective of the work presented is to design learning tasks and assessment activities to provide information to students so they can apply it in their future academic pursuits. Specifically, this article features the experience held in one of the compulsory subjects of the degree of pedagogy in which the use of Twitter has been proposed as a learning activity mediated by peer review processes in which the students had to give a constant feedback to their colleagues about the quality of their tweets.

Peer assessment in online learning: Promoting self-regulation strategies through the use of chatbots in Higher Education.

We present an innovation project supported by the research framework in the Master’s in Education and ICT at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) that scaffolds self-regulation using chatbots and focuses on peer assessment by means of essay writing. This activity develops student reflection and critical thinking while promoting self-regulatory capacity through peer assessment practice.

«La gamificación desde el aprendizaje cooperativo y la atención a la diversidad para contribuir al desarrollo de la competencia de aprender a aprender: experiencia en el Grado de Maestro de Educación Primaria»

The experience in the Primary Education Teacher Degree is presented with the conceptual framework of gamification from cooperative learning and attention to diversity to contribute to the development of the competence of learning to learn.

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